Thursday, December 9, 2010

Precious Sleep and Sleeping Precious

As you may have noticed, I've missed a few days of the blog challenge. I DO have a cute little excuse I don't feel terribly bad about it. I feared I may miss a few...and honestly at this point, I may skip around...a challenge day and then a non-challenge related post (mostly so I don't get bored!). 

The title of my post is just a little peek into one thing that's MAJOR in my life right now: sleep! Or usually the lack there of! Sleep deprivation is definitely a new-parent challenge that we anticipated before Elliot got at least it hasn't been a shock. I will say that I have two things going for me in this area- 1) Once Elliot is asleep, he's OUT. Sometimes it takes me a little while to GET him to sleep, but once he's there...he's there for a while (yay!). And, 2) Matt has been such a help with Elliot at night! Every night I try to get in bed as early as possible (9:45-10:15ish) while Matt takes care of the baby...and around midnight he wakes me up and I take over. Just those few hours of sleep help a ton. Also, I'm reading a book right now called- Secrets of the Baby Whisperer...and so far it's really good. I haven't gotten to the chapter on sleep yet, but I'm very interested to know what her advice will be! All in all, I'm getting enough sleep to feel ok during the day...and working on getting this little boy in routine. I'm sure it will work itself out soon...we're only about three weeks into this!

The second half of the title of my post refers to how precious Elliot looks when he's asleep. I realized the other day that most of my pictures of him are when he's asleep! This is probably because when he's awake, I don't usually have time or the extra set of hands to take pics...but I'm working on getting more pictures where you actually see his eyeballs =) are a few examples of what I'm talking about...

See what I mean? Precious. It really does make the lack of sleep easier to take =) So- if anyone have any baby-sleeping tips they want to share with me, I'd be happy to hear them! 

Hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow...Elliot will officially be 3 weeks old!



  1. Happy early birthday sweet boy! I adore you. Ha ha. Ya'll are doing so great! I hope I get as much sleep as you're getting. Eventually we'll get to see more of his cute eyeballs. For now, we'll settle for his sleepy face =)

  2. great pictures! he's so beautiful. I just realized that when they are little you get all the sleeping pictures because that's what they do most of the time! Then as they're older you don't dare take pictures of them sleeping for fear of waking them up! haha! I haven't gotten a picture of caden sleeping in a while! Now I want a recent one!

  3. Aww what precious pictures! I love the title of this post, it's very fitting!
