Friday, September 2, 2011


Hi! So glad it's finally Friday! And a long weekend at that! 

I could go into great detail about why I haven't blogged in nearly 2 months...BUT let's just leave it at this: I have a very active 9.5 month old. In the past 2 months he's learned to crawl, pull up and now walk. He's had strep, a cold and gotten 4 teeth. All in the past 2 months. So that's where I'm leaving it, hopefully I'm back for good!

A few bloggers I follow link up to this wonderful blog for a weekly post called Insta-Friday. You post pics from your cell phone you've taken during the week. Just little snap shots of your life. Most of the posters use pics from Instagram (an iPhone app), but not all! I've always wanted to be a fly on the wall and know everyone's this is right up my alley =) Here's a few shot's from our week: 
Sunday morning our little family went to the park. Elliot's had a cold and been extremely congested. We didn't want to "share" his germs with the other children in the church nursery and also figured the fresh air may do him some good. I can't wait until he can walk better and actually play on the playground, he's going to LOVE it!

Sunday night my Mama made dinner and we were invited! Boy was it delicious. After we ate the kiddos played in the pool. Rylie loves the water but we weren't too sure what the boys would think. They loved it too. Elliot especially loved splashing (not sure if Rowan appreciated that or not). This bode's well for our beach trip in 2 weeks, woo-hoo!

Tuesday I made Taco Soup in the crockpot. It was as delicious as it looks. I always forget how marvelous it is to have dinner ready in the crockpot. Must. Do. More. Crockpot. Recipes!

Our dear, patient cat, Felix. Elliot pulls, pushes, lays on, pokes and prods him and he rarely even gets up.

This was on one of our walks outside on the driveway. Right  now I still one of his hands for him to walk on the pavement. He tries to let go of me...but I don't want to deal with skinned knees just yet. This boy loves to be outside and I love that about him!

And finally, one from this morning. I was trying to get a shot of all his teeth. He didn't get any until he was 8 months old and now he has 4...with several more just below the surface! 

Well, that was our week folks. Matt has Monday off for Labor Day so we're excited for a long weekend. No plans yet...but I'm sure we'll find something fun to do!

Have a wonderful holiday weekend...and if you want to link up to Insta-Friday you can do it here!



  1. Your boy is adorable! I love his red hair, red is my fave :)

    Your cat is so patient! Oh boy, mine would never let my boy do that, what a good kitty!

    Happy weekend :)

  2. L.O.V.E the red headed little fellow!!!

    instafriday is fun!!!

  3. Your son is just adorable and that taco soup looks fantastic. Visiting from Life Rearranged! Have a great weekend :)
