Thursday, December 9, 2010

Precious Sleep and Sleeping Precious

As you may have noticed, I've missed a few days of the blog challenge. I DO have a cute little excuse I don't feel terribly bad about it. I feared I may miss a few...and honestly at this point, I may skip around...a challenge day and then a non-challenge related post (mostly so I don't get bored!). 

The title of my post is just a little peek into one thing that's MAJOR in my life right now: sleep! Or usually the lack there of! Sleep deprivation is definitely a new-parent challenge that we anticipated before Elliot got at least it hasn't been a shock. I will say that I have two things going for me in this area- 1) Once Elliot is asleep, he's OUT. Sometimes it takes me a little while to GET him to sleep, but once he's there...he's there for a while (yay!). And, 2) Matt has been such a help with Elliot at night! Every night I try to get in bed as early as possible (9:45-10:15ish) while Matt takes care of the baby...and around midnight he wakes me up and I take over. Just those few hours of sleep help a ton. Also, I'm reading a book right now called- Secrets of the Baby Whisperer...and so far it's really good. I haven't gotten to the chapter on sleep yet, but I'm very interested to know what her advice will be! All in all, I'm getting enough sleep to feel ok during the day...and working on getting this little boy in routine. I'm sure it will work itself out soon...we're only about three weeks into this!

The second half of the title of my post refers to how precious Elliot looks when he's asleep. I realized the other day that most of my pictures of him are when he's asleep! This is probably because when he's awake, I don't usually have time or the extra set of hands to take pics...but I'm working on getting more pictures where you actually see his eyeballs =) are a few examples of what I'm talking about...

See what I mean? Precious. It really does make the lack of sleep easier to take =) So- if anyone have any baby-sleeping tips they want to share with me, I'd be happy to hear them! 

Hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow...Elliot will officially be 3 weeks old!


Sunday, December 5, 2010

Blog Challenge: Days 4 and 5

Since I didn't post yesterday, I figured I'd just double up today. I must say, I had time to post yesterday...and started a post several times, but I had a hard time making a decision on what pic to post for Day 4. The challenge for Day 4 is this: Day 4 - Your favorite photograph of your best friend. Well folks, I have 2 besties...Matt (my husband) and April (my twin sister). I scoured my pics and just couldn't decide on a favorite...obviously I'm overthinking this! So here goes...

This is picture from our honeymoon. We were about to go parasailing...I had everything I wanted right there...relaxation, the beach, good food and my best friend ALL to myself. I met Matt when I was almost 26 years old...I'd be lying if I said I didn't have moments in my 20's when I was really discouraged about not already being married. I had friends at 26 that had been married for years with several kids already. But wow, did God have a plan or what!? I didn't just find "someone"...I found a strong, caring, Godly man. And one that "gets" me, makes me laugh all the time, makes sure I feel loved and taken care name a few things =) 

My other bestie is my twin sis April.
I have about a billion pictures of us together...29 years worth of pictures...but this is one of my faves. I think it describes a part of being a twin that "singletons" don't get. The level communication that can go unsaid with us is HUGE. I know this kind of communication can develop with a spouse (and definitely has with me and Matt to a certain extent), a sibling or a best friend. But it started from birth with us (maybe before birth, who knows!)...and is still strong to this day. How many friends can say they've been best friends since the day they were born? I can! I would be totally lost without my sister. It would be like chopping off half of me and expecting me to function...unlimited texting is absolute MUST in our lives and co-dependence just might be the word for it. However, I wouldn't have it any other way. I couldn't love, trust, enjoy being with, or respect anyone more!

Whew! Onto day 5! Day 5 - A photo of yourself two years ago.
This was a lot easier than the previous day's challenge. I only have one folder on my computer with pics from December the options were pretty limited. 

I also broke the "rules" by post 2 pictures but oh well, it's MY blog right? The first one was taken at the annual Ehrhart family Christmas dinner at Callaway Gardens...just me and Matt cheesing it up at the table. The second is us being silly! We were opening gifts at my parents house on Christmas Eve...and don't even know what to say about it, so I'll just let it stand on it's own! So much has changed in 2 years! April was pregnant with Rylie that was mine and Matt's first Christmas married...oh how life has changed! Can't wait to see how different life is 2 years from NOW =) 

Have a lovely Sunday everyone! I'm going to attempt to get the rest of my Christmas decorations up and possibly go grocery shopping...we'll just see what "the boss" (aka-Elliot) lets me get done!


Friday, December 3, 2010

Blog Challenge: Day 3

Happy Friday ya'll! I've only been out of the mainstream workforce for about 4 yeah, I still remember how much of a relief it is to wake up and realize you made it to Friday =)

Day 3 of the blog challenge is this: Your idea of the perfect first date.

I thought for a while about exactly how to answer this. I can think of plenty of fantastic things to do...going out for coffee, a great restaurant, a cool art exhibit...and all of those things would be wonderful. But in all honesty folks, the only thing that made any date me and Matt have ever been on "perfect" is the fact that we were together. Maybe that sounds really silly, obviously we were together...on a date! But, all I know is, wherever me and Matt have ever been together...we've had a great time. Since the day I met him, all I wanted to do was spend more time with him. So basically, what I'm saying is, if the company is great, regardless of where you go, what you see, do or eat- the date WILL be perfect. Or that's how I see it at least =)
I love the timing of this post because tonight I get to go on a date with my husband! The first one since we became parents (2 weeks ago!). I have no idea where we'll go or what we'll do. Probably grab a bite to eat and then go to Target...all I know is I'll get to spend a few hours alone with the love of my life...and let me tell ya, that sounds PERFECT =)


Thursday, December 2, 2010

Blog Challenge: Day 2

The challenge for today was:

Day two: A photo of something you ate today.
My life is fascinating isn't it? A piece of multi-grain breat with peanut butter on it. I probably ate more interesting things today...but did I remember to photograph them before I scarfed them down? Of course not! Oh well, even if it was boring, it was also delicious =)

On another note- I'm sick. Conjunctivitis and an upper respiratory infection. Yes, conjunctivitis is pink eye...but doesn't it sound less gross the other way around? Eye drops and an antibiotic later I hope to be getting better pronto! And the doc said as long as I wash my hands after touching my eye...Elliot should be in the clear (i've never washed my hands so much in my life!) 

And, I couldn't post without posting a picture of my here's what he does while I blog:
 Oh life is tough, huh?

Come back tomorrow for Day 3!


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

About a Boy

Oh, how quickly life has changed. It's amazing to me all the months of preparation that go into having a baby...and then in a flash- you're on a ride called parenthood. So far- it's fun, tiring, rewarding, anxiety-provoking, fulfilling, joyful...and I've only been doing this for about 12 days! And all of what I've heard is true. Nothing can truely prepare you for being a parent. On-the-job training and trial and error are just about the only things that will teach you. Everyday is new and different...I have a new job and ya'll my boss can be SO unpredictable, but, boy is he CUTE =)

My sis blogged about Elliot's birth here, so I'm not going to go into a long and detailed birth story. I will say that I think I was VERY blessed. I have a great doctor, had very sweet nurses and a great support team in the delivery room with me (my Mama, April and Matt). All together, my labor was 11ish hours. The last hour and a half was pretty much just me pushing. Apparently Elliot liked where he was and wasn't terribly interested in joining us here on the outside! And let me just say- Matt was a rock star during labor. Nothing grossed him out, he watched everything, hardly left my side...I wasn't too surprised at how well he did...but I think he was. Here are few of the first pics after he was born...

Hi, I'm new and perfect!

This kid loves to have his hair washed...the bath part- NO. Wrap him up and wash his hair and he loves it.

Hi little boy, I couldn't love you any more if I tried.
I can only say that most of life after 5:25pm, November 19th sped up and hasn't stopped. As all Mamas know, I guess, your life becomes a long blur of feedings and diaper changes. Not that I mind, that's the name of the game at this point...I'm just trying to enjoy the little moments, because as nearly everyone has told me: he won't be this little very long! So when I'm done feeding him at 3am and all he wants to do is stare wide awake at me...or when he won't nap unless he's laying ON me...I DO realize before I know it, he'll be walking and talking and not needing Mama so much and I'll be trying desperately to remember the times he was SO teeny-tiny, needy and cuddly. 

On a completely different note...I've decided to try to do a 30-day Blog Challenge. My cousin Jessica and my sister are both doing the challenge...and I'm jumping on the bandwagon! See Jessica's blog for a full listing of the challenge for each day...but here's the one for today:

Day 1 - A photo of yourself and a description of how your day was.
This the very first pic of me and Matt together. Taken in January 2007 (i think) a Jonathan and Lisa Moore concert. We'd known each other less than a month. Oh, that seems like light-years ago! And MY how life has changed since then!! ALL for the better =)

As for my day (even though it's not even 2pm yet)'s been great so far. Elliot woke at 12ish, 3ish and 7:30ish (which ain't too shabby folks). Matt left for work for the first time since Elliot was born...which was a little sad. I've SO enjoyed having him here...even if he was working, just being able to walk in his office and see him was awesome. Then I had my sister and my sweet friend Jessi here for coffee this morning (since Elliot isn't really supposed to go out in public places yet)...fed Mr. Baby again and now I'm finally finishing this blog...and all before lunch! The rest of the day will be more diapering and feeding for Elliot, maybe some housework (baby permitting), and hopefully getting my tree decorated tonight! It's been up for days now...time to get it looking pretty =)

And now I'll leave you with a picture...of Elliot. That's all people really want to see now anyways, right? Well, I certainly don't mind sharing!
Just hangin' out with Mama this morning.

See you tomorrow (hopefully) for Day 2 of the 30-Day Blog Challenge!
