Friday, December 3, 2010

Blog Challenge: Day 3

Happy Friday ya'll! I've only been out of the mainstream workforce for about 4 yeah, I still remember how much of a relief it is to wake up and realize you made it to Friday =)

Day 3 of the blog challenge is this: Your idea of the perfect first date.

I thought for a while about exactly how to answer this. I can think of plenty of fantastic things to do...going out for coffee, a great restaurant, a cool art exhibit...and all of those things would be wonderful. But in all honesty folks, the only thing that made any date me and Matt have ever been on "perfect" is the fact that we were together. Maybe that sounds really silly, obviously we were together...on a date! But, all I know is, wherever me and Matt have ever been together...we've had a great time. Since the day I met him, all I wanted to do was spend more time with him. So basically, what I'm saying is, if the company is great, regardless of where you go, what you see, do or eat- the date WILL be perfect. Or that's how I see it at least =)
I love the timing of this post because tonight I get to go on a date with my husband! The first one since we became parents (2 weeks ago!). I have no idea where we'll go or what we'll do. Probably grab a bite to eat and then go to Target...all I know is I'll get to spend a few hours alone with the love of my life...and let me tell ya, that sounds PERFECT =)



  1. that was sweet. hope u guys have fun! :)

  2. I love this Amy! Thank you for reminding me that simnply spending time with the one you love is all that matters! I am looking forward to my date tonight even more now! Have a great day...your son is so adorable!
