Thursday, January 27, 2011

Lather, Rinse, Repeat...

I'm still alive...I promise! But as you can imagine my life is one loooooong blur of feed the baby, rush around and get a little done while he plays with his little floor mat/gym, change his diaper, rock him and put him to down for a nap. This happens over and over (much like Groundhog Day) 4 or 5 times during the day and then usually twice at night. Every once in a while I get to go on a date with my husband...or go to coffee with a friend...or go visit with my sister (and her bebe's) but for the most part we're stuck on the merry-go-round for now =) So I apologize for my extreme lack of posts of late...I seriously have 5 posts on my Edit list that never got the time I was done with them I was bored with them or they were no longer relevant. I promise to do better! Anyways, here are a few recent pics of my boy as a peace offering...
Yes folks...he's ALL cheeks =) All 13lbs of him. Fairly trim little belly and legs...ALL cheeks.

Hope everyone has a WONDERFUL Friday!!



  1. Very soon you will be wishing the days were more mundane. You'll be chasing that boy all over the place. I love my cheeky nephew.

  2. Love that sweet little face...and I'm with April...before you know'll be chasing him around the house! :)
