Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

Hi pal.
We've spent lots of time outside lately. He loves it.
My bath time boy
All things involve feet in hands lately...
Sometimes both at once!!
Have a marvelous Wednesday everyone!


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Elliot Update: 6 months old!

Elliot will be 6 months old on Thursday! Wow! Time flies when you're having fun. I'd like to do a little update like this every month till his birthday...they change SO fast!

Here are some Elliot's current stats:
-He's about 20 pounds
-Size 3 diaper (he's been in these for a while now)
-9 and 12 months clothing depending on the brand
-Usually naps 3 times a day. Each nap is anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour and a half.
-Goes to bed around 8:30, usually sleeps till at least 6:15-30, sometimes longer. 95% of the time he sleeps all the way thru the night. If he does wake, we feed him and lay him right back down. He usually sleeps later in the morning if that happens.
-He can roll from his stomach to his back, but it usually happens when he's in his bed. (and so far he won't sleep on his back, so we have to go in and flip him back over right now!). He's very close to rolling from back to tummy, but hasn't yet.
-He can sit unsupported. I put the Boppy pillow around him because he never sits still very long. When he see's something he wants, he makes a lunge for it, and over he goes =)
-He still LOVES to eat! Any fruit or vegetable I've given him, he'll eat. During the day he usually eats every 3-4hours.
-Loves (diluted) apple juice and water.

For the most part, this age is alot of fun! He smiles alot, laughs, makes all kinds of funny faces and sounds. He's extremely inquisitive, grabs anything he can get his hands on (and usually tries to put it in his mouth). Everyone keeps warning me about how rough things will get when he can crawl or walk, but I'm ready! I think he'd be content alot longer if he could get around a little better without me having to pick him up and move him. 

Anyways- that's where we are right now, in a nut shell. Here's my boy the form of cell phone pics. 

In the grocery store, putting anything within grasp in his mouth.
Sitting up
In the lawn chair that Papa got him
Little chubby baby
Knocked out on Dad
Sometime this week, me and April have a little crafty/sewing project planned. If all goes well I'll post a tutorial! It's been way too long since I got to use my sewing machine, so I'm excited =)

Have a splendid Tuesday folks!


Monday, May 16, 2011

ABC's of Me

 Hi! I'm alive and well! Sorry for being so absent in the blog-world lately. I've just been completely lost in the busyness of life. The day in, day out grind, ya know? Sometimes I feel like I'm on a hamster wheel and can't get off! In between all of the busyness I've had alot of fun though! I'll do an update post later in the week to catch you up, but today I wanted to do a fun post. Just a little Q and A in the form of a alphabetized list:

A. Age: 30! Holy cow, I can't believe it either!
B. Bed size: KING. I can't even imagine sleeping in a smaller bed with my tall (6'7") husband...and the dog...and occasionally the cat. Yeah, I don't know how we get any sleep either =)
C. Chore you hate: Washing bottles. So many parts. I'm thinking it's a reason to breastfeed next time all on it's own.

D. Dogs: I'm definitely a dog person. I love all animals but I can't imagine my life without a dog. Such unconditional, all forgiving love and trust.
Lucy on Halloween a few years ago.
E. Essential start to your day: Coffee. Clearly.
F. Favorite color: Green...and sometimes pink...and lately purple. =)
G. Gold or silver: Usually silver, but gold's making a major come back!
H. Height: 5’3. I'm a shorty. And that's right, my husband is a full 16 inches taller than me!
Yep, I'm standing on a bench and FINALLY eye level with him =)
I. Instruments you play: None. A few years of piano lessons but not much to show for it.

J. Job title: Stay at Home Mama and wife. House manager?

I. I love: my family.
Mother's Day 2011
K. Kids: Yep, I've got one...and boy is he CUTE. I wish I had a dollar for every time someone's told me that they'd always hoped they had a red headed baby. It gets kind of weird at a point.

L. Live: in Georgia. Born, raised and lived here all my life!

M. Mom’s name: Kris. She's the best Mama ever!
Me and Elliot, my Mama and Rylie, April and Rowan on Mother's Day
N. Nicknames: Not sure I have any?? The only thing other I'm known by is Auntie...and that's just for Rylie and Rowan. And I just realized the other day that Matt and I call each other Baby most of the time when we're at home.
O. Overnight hospital stays: once, when Elliot was born.
P. Pet peeve: Bad drivers, rude service people, people showing up to your house unannounced...

Q. Quote from a movie:
Joe Fox: It wasn't... personal.
Kathleen Kelly: What is that supposed to mean? I am so sick of that. All that means is that it wasn't personal to you. But it was personal to me. It's *personal* to a lot of people. And what's so wrong with being personal, anyway?
Joe Fox: Uh, nothing.
Kathleen Kelly: Whatever else anything is, it ought to begin by being personal.
-from You've Got Mail

R. Right or left handed: righty
S. Siblings: Twin sister April. Don't tell Matt, but she's my other half. I would be lost in this world without her.

T. Time you wake up: Whenever Elliot wakes up, He's the boss (for now).
U. Underwear: Yes, I'm a fan of it.
V. Vegetables you dislike: Eggplant and Cauliflower. Yuck.
W. What makes you run late: Matt and sometimes Elliot
X. X-Rays you’ve had: Pretty sure chest x-ray's when I was younger and x-ray's on my teeth are all I've had.
Y. Yummy food you make: I make all kinds of yummy foods. Wish I had time to cook more...but unless I can do it with one hand (and a baby in the other arm), I can't do it right now.

Z. Zoo- favorite animal: Giraffes!!  I love them. But, does anyone else get a little depressed at the zoo? Exotic animals in tiny pens...i don't know, maybe I over think things =)

I got to go on a little walk with my sis and our kiddos this morning and the weather was gloriously cool =) Apparently it exhausted the boys:
Have a great Monday ya'll!