Tuesday, February 22, 2011


There are alot of fun things about having kids...sleep training is NOT one of them!

However, It was time. The rocking was WAY out of control. Hours a day in that chair and then he'd fight me like a bear when we did rock. Then I'd lay him down and he'd be asleep for 45, 20...sometimes just 5 minutes. NOT good for anyone! 

Yes, it's rough. I lay him down and then question myself - Is he tired enough? He's only been awake for an hour and 20 minutes (even though yes- he was yawning, fussing and generally unhappy). How long is too long to cry? Maybe he's hungry? When Matt gets home I ask him all of these things and he says- "I don't know...I trust your judgement". WHAT!? Well thanks, but I don't even trust MY judgment or I wouldn't be asking YOU. 

Why do we constantly question ourselves as mothers? How badly do we think we're going to mess our children up? I've seen some REALLY terrible people turn out some wonderful kids...how bad can I really do?

I have realized something thru this process though. I'm NOT the only one. I've reached out to my friends and family that are mothers for support during this and have felt SO very encouraged. Sure, I can sit in my house and wonder if I'm the only one to go thru this...OR I can ask for advice, prayers, encouragement. Stay strong and consistent and it will get better is what I'm told...and THAT is what I'm holding to!

So...I'll leave you with a picture of what I'm currently seeing alot of...
Well that and him tossing, turning, flailing his arms and crying...but who wants to see a picture of that?

Please keep us in your prayers! He really isn't doing too terribly so far =) For now I'm going to attempt to JUST rock him after his bath and last feeding before bed. If that is slowing our progress (or confusing him why I will rock him then, but not at naps), then we'll stop the rocking all-together but I really hate to!

Thanks for your support/prayers/advice everyone!



  1. I'm sure you are doing great. Don't get discouraged and keep up the positive attitude. It helps if you can stay in a healthy frame of mind.

  2. AWESOME! You're doing fine. Right now...and I literally mean at this very stinkin' moment, Chloe is fussing and crying in her bed. She has fought taking a nap ALL day and when she's up she's SO grouchy. She rubs her eyes, lays all over me, & whines constantly. Just about 5 minutes ago I was thinking..."I wonder if she's hungry? She isn't eating all that well and I've offered her everything. Maybe she's sick." You see...I've been doing this on my own for 17 years and with 4 children and I still don't always trust my judgement. lol! Babies are hard to understand sometimes but I have no doubt, you're doing the right thing. Love you! ~K~

  3. Okay I am going to retry this again (today) I must be really lame...
    I hope you can continue to rock him that one time a day. I think he will eventually "get" the routine.
    One thing I learned with Leanna when she was new, was that they feed on our calmness or our anxiety. You are calm by nature..I had to learn that and that came with time and self confidence for me. I am sure you will do what is best for you and him. Also, each child is so different.Love you!! Aunt Jennifer
