Saturday, March 12, 2011

Help Me Rhonda

If you've never heard of The Pioneer Woman (Ree Drummond) must have been living under a rock. I'm not quite sure how I came across her blog about a year and a half ago, but ever since I have I've LOVED it! Not only is Ree a blogger...but she's also written a cookbook and a novel (both of which are wonderful!).

Well, yesterday me, April and our friend Kathlyn drove up to Atlanta to go to meet Ree at a book signing for her book Black Heels to Tractor Wheels. Now, I must say we had a great deal of fun before the main event even started! We shared tapas for lunch, drank more coffee than I probably should've and browsed Phipps Plaza for a few hours (who can actually afford the stores there??)
Me, April, Rowan and Kathlyn waiting in the looooong line!

When it was time for the signing we ventured back to Borders to get in line (we'd gotten wristbands to make sure we even got a spot in line earlier in the day). Have you ever wondered who stands in line and waits and waits and have a cookbook signed? Yeah, I have too. But that'd be me. It was totally worth it though. When we finally got to have our books signed Ree was just as precious and warm as she could be. She took time to chit chat with us and take a picture with us...and I couldn't be happier about it!  
There she is!

Now that's a bunch of red-heads! =)

We also got to see her husband and two little boys who came with her to the signing. If you've ever read her blog (or her book), you know how much she LOVES her husband and calls him her Marlboro Man. As soon as people started to realize that it WAS in fact Marlboro Man they kind of swarmed him...wanted HIM to sign their books and take pictures with them. Probably NOT something most cattle ranchers encounter on a usual basis! We were definitely too shy to ask for a pic with him...but we did take one on the sly =)
"Marlboro Man" and their 2 sons...before they got swarmed!
I really missed my sweet Elliot all day long (he was WELL taken care of between my Nana, Matt's Granny and eventually Matt), but I had such a great time. I got to spend time with two of my fave ladies (and Rowan!), eat great food and meet someone I really admire! Can't beat that!

(In case you didn't catch it, the title is a reference to The Pioneer Woman...and exclamation she uses from time to time)


  1. Elliot missed his mama, but she deserved a day out!

  2. Loved the blog and the pics...glad y'all had a great time!

  3. Fun fun! Haven't read her book, but have her cookbook and her blog & tweets are hilarious. Love her sense of humor!
