Monday, March 28, 2011

A Day in the Life...

Hi! I'm still here! I feel like I've been stuck on the proverbial hamster wheel of life lately...unable to jump off! Last week was a fun and busy one. I had some family in town and had a wonderful time seeing and spending time with them. We also had two very fun play dates...and Wednesday Elliot had his 4 month doctors visit. Being a stay at home mama is by far the most difficult job I've ever had but even on the hardest day there's still nothing else in world I'd rather be doing. I feel so very blessed to be able to be able to stay at home with my sweet boy!

My sis did a great "day in the life" post the other day. I love seeing a little birds-eye view into people's lives, don't you? Does that make me a Nosy Nellie? Oh well. So here is a teeny glimpse into my pictures. Here we go!

My favorite breakfast lately- oatmeal with half a sliced banana and 1/2 a tbsp of almond butter. YUM. Sometimes I get to eat this before the baby wakes and sometimes I eat it sitting on the floor in front of the baby's bouncer...after feeding him first!

Coffee and Google Reader. Is there a better combo? Again- sometimes I can get to this before Elliot wakes up and other times I don't.

This is what I see when I go in to get my boy when he wakes up...the top of his purty little head =)

Hi. I'm a sleepy bear. 

Time to eat...he has a bottle 5-6 times a day. Our Boppy has paid for itself a billion times over. After he eats, Elliot is awake for a good hour and a half to two hours...during which time we:
Watch Mama clean the kitchen
 Put everything in our mouths!!!

Play on the floor

 Sometimes Mama gets on the floor too.

Eventually I wear him out enough and it's time for a nap...for him, not me (don't I wish!). While he's napping I clean house, get dressed, eat, sometimes work out. My how the time he's asleep FLIES by. When he wakes up we usually get down to business...
This boy is a food monster, watch out ya'll!

Occasionally I get to do some crafty things like:
Make an Easter wreath...

or sew a bag (one of the projects in my sewing e-course). 
The rest of the day goes on like the beginning, eat, play, sleep. Lately, in the afternoon, we've been really enjoying going outside. Unless the sun is in our eyes:
Eventually I cook dinner and Matt comes home (YAY!) and it's time for Elliot's bath. 
Oh but this kid loves a bath!
A little bit of chill time with the Dad and then this little boy goes to bed! 
Me and Matt spend about an hour or two together and then we go to bed as well...exhausted!
And that's my day ya'll! Long and tiring but boy am I blessed!

Have a wonderful Monday everyone! Monday is my day to put my house back together after the weekend. Tell me it's not just MY house that spins out of control between Friday night and Monday morning!



  1. Love love love this post! 10x better than my Day in the Life post =) Love all the pictures and the oatmeal looks YUM.

  2. You are definitely not the only one. You should see my house after having everyone home. It is insanity. Always looks like a tornado (or three) came through.

  3. I'm a sleepy bear too...GRRRAWWWRRR
